Can anyone give me any advice about sprained ankles?
I sprained mine 8 days ago, and haven't been able to walk on it until today, and even now it's still painful and keeps swelling up, so I had to stop......Is this normal, or should I seek medical/ physio treatment? I don't know if I'm worrying too much and to just rest it for longer.
How long before it's ok to cycle or run? Should I get one of those support sock things?
Can anyone give me any advice about sprained ankles?
I sprained mine 8 days ago, and haven't been able to walk on it until today, and even now it's still painful and keeps swelling up, so I had to stop......Is this normal, or should I seek medical/ physio treatment? I don't know if I'm worrying too much and to just rest it for longer.
How long before it's ok to cycle or run? Should I get one of those support sock things?