I've got the CoPilot Limo too (I already had the Blackburn rack, and someone was selling the seat only for £40). Not keen on the bouncy-bouncy Hamax variety, like Skully said, and the seats themselves are very heavy. The CoPilot ones are much lighter, can stand on their own when off the bike, and you can improvise suspension with judicious psi experimentation in the rear and/or extra bits of foamy stuffy under the cushion.
I've got the CoPilot Limo too (I already had the Blackburn rack, and someone was selling the seat only for £40). Not keen on the bouncy-bouncy Hamax variety, like Skully said, and the seats themselves are very heavy. The CoPilot ones are much lighter, can stand on their own when off the bike, and you can improvise suspension with judicious psi experimentation in the rear and/or extra bits of foamy stuffy under the cushion.