Hi guys - slightly off topic but can't set up a new post as new on here.
recently got hold of a cheap ss with a flip flop hub- 44x18 gearing- it was set up as a single speed and I flipped the wheel into fixed - removed a few chain links to get rid of the slack but have found the pedals only move forward and I can't pedal backwards on it to control speed and trackstand etc. Normally ride a fast road bike- which was stolen and am waiting for the insurance to come through. Am finding the fact that the pedals only go forward a little weird; Have to control the speed of the bike through brakes - one for front and another for back wheel. So a very odd set up or is it just me and getting used to it? surely not?!!
Any suggested remedies?
I'm sorry....I apologize in advance as I know this is immature, but......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! and....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry....I apologize in advance as I know this is immature, but......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! and....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!