• #77
Yeah I looked at the Simple, tried out Andy at Harry's Soul - they are lovely, and they are 853, but they are way overpriced. The Roadrat is such a bargain in comparison. Really - you ought to come over to the Sandbar one night and give mine a trial. I nearly got sucked in by the whole 853 thing...
• #78
Oh, and 650c FTW
• #79
kasei 8630R FTW!!!
• #80
• #81
kasei 8630R FTW!!!
I read that before the edit. You really ought to give the new baby a spin sometime.
• #82
i would love to...
• #83
Would love to try it Zero, if I see you about and I'm not wasted :-)
I'm still undecided about my next frame, this is to replace my mountain bike. Daydreaming about 853 and 140mm forks for bashing around in the peaks.
I like the Handjob, and the Cotics more because they're British. Don't really like the sliding dropout on the Orange P7. The simple seems to do these things all very nicely. Going to test ride the soul in the peaks and have a suspicion I will stick with geared soul, and not go for the simple. It is a lot to spend on an SS experiment!
I'm a bit confused as to what I actually want next...
• #84
Jim: if you're looking for a hardtail for 'bashing about in the peaks', may I humbly suggest that you consider an OLD Kona Explosif - pre-nineties if you can get it. It's 'only' Tange, but it's Joe Murray's finest geometry. Search the ebay for something around £150-200, be VERY sure to check the frame three or four times! Your patience will repay you.
• #85
Sweet, I'll keep an eye out :-)
• #86
+1 on that. other wise check out voodoo bizango... joe muray's gig after kona and the nicest steel frame i ever had
imagine an 853 orange frame/blue ringle/ xtr gruppo and crossmax wheels not there when i stepped out of a drop... yep i cried
• #87
this is the new beast - apologies to mark as I knicked thge ebay photos... I've spent all day photo editing and couldnt be arsed with anymore!
And silly mug shot from the good old snow days!
• #88
Nice bike, the forks look gnar!
• #89
Yeah I'm pleased with it though I've never had so much trouble as with these little presta valves - thought I was never going t ride again earlier. Think I've sussed it now though
• #90
My on it way to being ridable ride
• #91
that didnt work too well
• #94
whats this new internet lingo chan?
• #95
Obligatory Slack Chain Comment.
• #96
its been dealt with. ive noticed a certain amount of elitism on this site and i have to say i dont enjoy it
• #97
"lighten" up Ed - just having a laugh
• #98
i have enlightened this morning, just not aware of how this board 'is' it seems quite harsh and stuck up. look at me i have an aerospoke GO ME!
• #100
@chan: that's an old pic now mate - you wont see that beast out and about looking like that anymore - It's a red LOOK saddle - pics here:
yours if you want it... £20?
Pretty ride zero. Currently saving for either a Cotic Soul or Simple, really nice looking frames. 853 ftw