Schedule for the rest of the week is looking like this.
Tuesday daytime - I'm at work so if anyone is around to keep them busy/show them around that'd be awesome.
Tuesday night - Mitchison
Later Tuesday night - Northgate or the scolt's head
Wednesday daytime - I'm off work, thinking some slackers if at all possible + show them some of London.
Wednesday Night - South Polo
Later Wednesday Night - East Beers then mine for some drinks if anyone is interested?
Thursday Daytime - I'm still off work, more slackers polo (Downham)
Thursday night - Mitchison
Schedule for the rest of the week is looking like this.
Tuesday daytime - I'm at work so if anyone is around to keep them busy/show them around that'd be awesome.
Tuesday night - Mitchison
Later Tuesday night - Northgate or the scolt's head
Wednesday daytime - I'm off work, thinking some slackers if at all possible + show them some of London.
Wednesday Night - South Polo
Later Wednesday Night - East Beers then mine for some drinks if anyone is interested?
Thursday Daytime - I'm still off work, more slackers polo (Downham)
Thursday night - Mitchison
Friday onwards I think Vidal is organising.