I think a blog is an excellent way to learn about developing content - regarding website design lookin at Tommy's reading list it looks like several months of hard work to become in any sense proficient - something I imagine is even harder to do in isolation - just out of curiousity for a commercial website what is the trade off in outsourcing to a third party developer - obviously it costs more but what would you get in return? speed, slicker design I imagine - but say I were to use your services Mr Chicken would that gaurantee more revenue to my site?
I think a blog is an excellent way to learn about developing content - regarding website design lookin at Tommy's reading list it looks like several months of hard work to become in any sense proficient - something I imagine is even harder to do in isolation - just out of curiousity for a commercial website what is the trade off in outsourcing to a third party developer - obviously it costs more but what would you get in return? speed, slicker design I imagine - but say I were to use your services Mr Chicken would that gaurantee more revenue to my site?