To your credit, you're taking it extremely well. I don't think all my bikes put together would even cover the cost of your SRM setup.
I don't know what to say - I had a totally unique mountain bike taken almost a year ago, and as much as I know there's not a single bike out there like it, all this time later there's still been no sighting - even of parts.
Anyway, I hope you have better luck than me, and it's good to see you've already got more security sorted out at your place. Best of luck.
To your credit, you're taking it extremely well. I don't think all my bikes put together would even cover the cost of your SRM setup.
I don't know what to say - I had a totally unique mountain bike taken almost a year ago, and as much as I know there's not a single bike out there like it, all this time later there's still been no sighting - even of parts.
Anyway, I hope you have better luck than me, and it's good to see you've already got more security sorted out at your place. Best of luck.