Even the most cursory google search brings up a wiki entry that contains some excellent peer reviewed articles on increasing temperature increasing the range and prevelence of diseases.
The obvious one is malaria but any arthropod bourne disease is likely in increase in the event of an altered climate.
Malaria will not spread due to warming of the globe. The main reason Malaria is currently a big problem in the 10/40 window (near the equator) is due to the lack of money in those areas, not the abundance of warmth. http://www.sdnetwork.net/briefing_papers/malaria_climatechange.pdf
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas?
CO2 is a greenhouse gas but greenhouse gasses are not a problem?
Which is your position?
^ greenhouse gas does not = "pollutant" (is my position).
Sorry I really would like to stop posting on this thread as I have a feeling lots of people either have or will become pissed off with me (hence the apology cake). I will only say this: CO2 is not a pollutant IMO.
^ http://www.nature.com/news/2009/090409/full/news.2009.361.html
Malaria will not spread due to warming of the globe. The main reason Malaria is currently a big problem in the 10/40 window (near the equator) is due to the lack of money in those areas, not the abundance of warmth.
^ greenhouse gas does not = "pollutant" (is my position).
Sorry I really would like to stop posting on this thread as I have a feeling lots of people either have or will become pissed off with me (hence the apology cake). I will only say this: CO2 is not a pollutant IMO.
hope we can all still be friends!