Don't antagonise drivers, guys. It's just not worth it.
You're the ones using the superior mode of transport here. You're probably a lot less stressed and out of your depth than those guys. They've probably had a much shittier day than you even if you've had a shitty day. Pity them. Make their day a little brighter by showing them respect and consideration.
Fuck that.
Fuck the idea that someone attempts to kill your girlfriend while she is riding her bike and you should "make their day a little brighter".
Fuck the immoral Christian nature of the sentiment, if someone tries to injure, attack or otherwise damage me (or anyone) I think it is my duty to show them that this course of action is unacceptable, wrong in every way possible, I think it is immoral to show them respect or make their day a little brighter - as much as I think it might be a poor choice of response to clap a rapist.
Fuck 'respect' in whatever vague nebulous sense you are using it. (all arguments containing the word 'respect' are - by it's use - meaningless.)
Do not give these cunts the idea that not only is it cool to attack or threaten a cyclist, but that doing so carries no consequences.
Every single driver who endangers my life or someone I know, or someone I love gets to find out how their lack of consideration makes me feel.
Really, this whole "hey guys, just leave it" thing is simply counterproductive, to take the sting out of someone's actions is morally ornamental, it may leave you some some 'zen' sense of calm and pious righteousness but you have passed the problem on to the next cyclist.
Action: threaten someone's life - response: respect = bad.
Action: threaten someone's life - response: broken windscreen = good.
Fuck that.
Fuck the idea that someone attempts to kill your girlfriend while she is riding her bike and you should "make their day a little brighter".
Fuck the immoral Christian nature of the sentiment, if someone tries to injure, attack or otherwise damage me (or anyone) I think it is my duty to show them that this course of action is unacceptable, wrong in every way possible, I think it is immoral to show them respect or make their day a little brighter - as much as I think it might be a poor choice of response to clap a rapist.
Fuck 'respect' in whatever vague nebulous sense you are using it. (all arguments containing the word 'respect' are - by it's use - meaningless.)
Do not give these cunts the idea that not only is it cool to attack or threaten a cyclist, but that doing so carries no consequences.
Every single driver who endangers my life or someone I know, or someone I love gets to find out how their lack of consideration makes me feel.
Really, this whole "hey guys, just leave it" thing is simply counterproductive, to take the sting out of someone's actions is morally ornamental, it may leave you some some 'zen' sense of calm and pious righteousness but you have passed the problem on to the next cyclist.
Action: threaten someone's life - response: respect = bad.
Action: threaten someone's life - response: broken windscreen = good.