I don't mind the idea of a review system, what I object to is the whole dispute resolution side of it.
I've found a vBulletin modification for eBay style reviews... but what to do when disputes occur?
Still on the fishing expeditions... I do like the whole "£ or O.N.O." rather than just taking closed bids or offers via PMs. People know roughly what they want, and this does open the door to the "bumps = price drops" too. Seems more natural in some ways.
So... classifieds... how do we feel about:
1) 1st post has more details.
2) No price = no advert.
3) A seller review system, but without dispute resolution procedures.
This would be a big change from what is there today, and most likely will result in people being slapped around whilst they get used to putting a price up all the time.
Quite how this works for people like me who never know the value of what we sell, well... I don't know.
I don't mind the idea of a review system, what I object to is the whole dispute resolution side of it.
I've found a vBulletin modification for eBay style reviews... but what to do when disputes occur?
Still on the fishing expeditions... I do like the whole "£ or O.N.O." rather than just taking closed bids or offers via PMs. People know roughly what they want, and this does open the door to the "bumps = price drops" too. Seems more natural in some ways.
So... classifieds... how do we feel about:
1) 1st post has more details.
2) No price = no advert.
3) A seller review system, but without dispute resolution procedures.
This would be a big change from what is there today, and most likely will result in people being slapped around whilst they get used to putting a price up all the time.
Quite how this works for people like me who never know the value of what we sell, well... I don't know.