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  • dude i am using an htc touch hd which i have tweaked for my own purposes. i agree with andy about win mob6.1 being buggy as a midge storm but i will say with a bit of understanding and some tweaking ie : update rom and drop off dead weight apps it works really well for me. the touch hd is an outstanding piece of hardware and pretty upgradeable. there are currently some uber geeks working on getting android totally functional for touch hd which will be mega.

    i had an iphone before this and sold it because it drove half mad for a number of reasons. the first and most important being battery life, i literally couldnt leave my house without a charger or booster pack, i didnt like being tied to apple and the app store and there are just way too many fanboys out there.

    imo open source is the way forward but beware of being an early adoptor as you will get the base issues, for example, the g1 is a 'cheap' piece of hardware (also manufactured by htc) but android is a winner. the diamond 2 runs in a very similair fashion to the touch hd and also uses touch flo 3d which is nice but merely gloss for the win mob 6.1.

    also go onto the xda developers forum and red up about the htc phones and what they offer.
    good luck.


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