PBU very very interesting - to get to 59.5cm - I took my road bike and measured the length from pedal crank to saddle rail - then I adjusted for crank length 165 for track rather than 175 for road - then I decided I wanted 12cm of seat post showing and adjusted for this - finally I took away the cc distance from top lug to top of the seat tube - the difference being the length of the seat tube cc - this gives me the correct arse to pedal length - now if I understand you correctly the BB drop then moves this distance up and down relative to the the axles of the wheels - lower for road use higher for track - so the seat tube length, crank length, seatpost length is unaffected but the stand over height then becomes an issue - do I understand you correctly ??? So on a street fixed I guess we want a higher BB and may need to compromise with standover. One more question, is standover important? I hardly ever stop and if I do I lean the bike, does standover have any reall importance??? Also anyone got any bright ideas on how to measure drop?
PBU very very interesting - to get to 59.5cm - I took my road bike and measured the length from pedal crank to saddle rail - then I adjusted for crank length 165 for track rather than 175 for road - then I decided I wanted 12cm of seat post showing and adjusted for this - finally I took away the cc distance from top lug to top of the seat tube - the difference being the length of the seat tube cc - this gives me the correct arse to pedal length - now if I understand you correctly the BB drop then moves this distance up and down relative to the the axles of the wheels - lower for road use higher for track - so the seat tube length, crank length, seatpost length is unaffected but the stand over height then becomes an issue - do I understand you correctly ??? So on a street fixed I guess we want a higher BB and may need to compromise with standover. One more question, is standover important? I hardly ever stop and if I do I lean the bike, does standover have any reall importance??? Also anyone got any bright ideas on how to measure drop?