Yes. On an individual level, understanding the dangers of trucks and keeping clear of them will make you personally safer.
The problem is that spreading that message can have other effects as well. It can perpetuate a culture that blames victims, reducing the care people take of each other, so making the roads more dangerous. I'm not saying this is inevitable, but i do think care needs to be taken to avoid it. I think the LCC's 'Two Sides' leaflet is a good example of such a careful approach. Fuzzier 'people' issues matter as much as the hard mechanics of this problem as all these vehicles are controlled by people.
While we should not let pursuit of cycling utopia hold us back from achievable improvements, we should be careful that they really are improvements.
that's being politically correct, something i know little about, but i get what your saying.
that's being politically correct, something i know little about, but i get what your saying.