Here 's the idea. I have a cellar load of stuff that I will never use and that some else could . I can't face ebay .
The items on sale ranges from stems(7 ) to pedals, from frames (3 ) to rear mechs
There are also 3 - 4 bikes.
So I am considering holding a saturday morning cycle jumble in my garden , entrance by invitation only.
There would do an inventory , so you need not waste a journey. There will be coffee and my daughters will sell you their excellent cakes . Money from the Cakes and Coffee will go to a Charity and my daughters.
I confess that I am slightly worried about having a horde of unknowns entering my house , hence I need to think through the invite process.
So if you would be interested in coming over one Sauturday moring in May to Walthamstow then please let me know. If there are enough of you I ll work up the project and announce a date ..
Here 's the idea. I have a cellar load of stuff that I will never use and that some else could . I can't face ebay .
The items on sale ranges from stems(7 ) to pedals, from frames (3 ) to rear mechs
There are also 3 - 4 bikes.
So I am considering holding a saturday morning cycle jumble in my garden , entrance by invitation only.
There would do an inventory , so you need not waste a journey. There will be coffee and my daughters will sell you their excellent cakes . Money from the Cakes and Coffee will go to a Charity and my daughters.
I confess that I am slightly worried about having a horde of unknowns entering my house , hence I need to think through the invite process.
So if you would be interested in coming over one Sauturday moring in May to Walthamstow then please let me know. If there are enough of you I ll work up the project and announce a date ..