• Indian Runner, those links are bullshit.

    Anyone remember the 1970's when Time and Newsweek wrote about the coming ice age?

    Yes, and if you understood paleoclimatology you would know that they were correct, and you would also know that if someone were to argue 'climate change is nonsense because they used to say we're entering an ice age', that they didn't know what they were talking about.

    As for "there has been no warming in the last ten years" that is the equivalent of saying 'it was hotter yesterday than it was today therefore we are entering an ice age'.

    If you want to understand climate science, atmospheric chemistry and paleaoclimatology then you will need to do more than read newspapers and nonsense websites, or listen to the bloke waffling on about it in your office.
    I don't like elitism, but if you want to be able to even begin to understand these issues you have to go and learn about them at a level where you can understand the basic concepts. Up until then your opinion is free to be voiced, but it is, like religion and fantasy, baseless.
