So, having got the tape measure out again, it seems Tynan is still only just big enough for a Rothan, so I ordered one today. It'll have to be his second-and-a-half birthday present - want to get the maximum lifespan out of it, and plus it's in time for the warmer months.
He'll be learning to pedal on his trike for now. He hasn't grasped how to put any force through the pedals, but as I push him along, he's getting a decent amount of neuromuscular conditioning. Next week I may try strapping his feet to the pedals, and pushing him down Primrose Hill or something. Really burn some cadence into his synaptic receptor cells. He'll thank me for it one day...
So, having got the tape measure out again, it seems Tynan is still only just big enough for a Rothan, so I ordered one today. It'll have to be his second-and-a-half birthday present - want to get the maximum lifespan out of it, and plus it's in time for the warmer months.
He'll be learning to pedal on his trike for now. He hasn't grasped how to put any force through the pedals, but as I push him along, he's getting a decent amount of neuromuscular conditioning. Next week I may try strapping his feet to the pedals, and pushing him down Primrose Hill or something. Really burn some cadence into his synaptic receptor cells. He'll thank me for it one day...