Finally got my replacement wheel back this Saturday, tried to fit it today and they've sent me the wrong fucking sized hub. I returned a 126mm OLN, they've sent a twatting 120mm one!
So back to square one now, wheel goes back to Goldtec for a rebuild, they can cover returned postage this time. Meanwhile my fixed is out of action for another 2 weeks - 5 weeks. =(
I've suggested they build me a wheel on Monday and send it out, allowing me to send this one back when it's convenient, hopefully they'll go for that in light of the hassle they've given me so far.
Finally got my replacement wheel back this Saturday, tried to fit it today and they've sent me the wrong fucking sized hub. I returned a 126mm OLN, they've sent a twatting 120mm one!
So back to square one now, wheel goes back to Goldtec for a rebuild, they can cover returned postage this time. Meanwhile my fixed is out of action for another 2 weeks - 5 weeks. =(
I've suggested they build me a wheel on Monday and send it out, allowing me to send this one back when it's convenient, hopefully they'll go for that in light of the hassle they've given me so far.