ive done a cheap conversion for a friend with a 52x20 70"GI. it rides pretty nicely.
when im really cranking it up a steep incline with alot of force there is a definate creaking around the bottom bracket area which has to be the frame flexing. theres no play in the BB and it was fitted by a good mechanic at the LBS so it cant be that.
is this frame just not really suitable for fixed gear? my guess is that becuase its a road frame, it was never designed for the force of a gear that tall being pushed hard up a incline. far more force is going through it than would be normal when it was geared.
when my friend rides it doesnt happen, but hes pretty new to bike riding and not as strong a rider as me. so it might well not be a problem until hes gets stronger, but im curious as to whever some frames just arnt built for the force that fixed gear provides.
what do you reckon? could this lead to frame failure? am i barking up the wrong tree?
ive done a cheap conversion for a friend with a 52x20 70"GI. it rides pretty nicely.
when im really cranking it up a steep incline with alot of force there is a definate creaking around the bottom bracket area which has to be the frame flexing. theres no play in the BB and it was fitted by a good mechanic at the LBS so it cant be that.
is this frame just not really suitable for fixed gear? my guess is that becuase its a road frame, it was never designed for the force of a gear that tall being pushed hard up a incline. far more force is going through it than would be normal when it was geared.
when my friend rides it doesnt happen, but hes pretty new to bike riding and not as strong a rider as me. so it might well not be a problem until hes gets stronger, but im curious as to whever some frames just arnt built for the force that fixed gear provides.
what do you reckon? could this lead to frame failure? am i barking up the wrong tree?