• top idea scott. count me in.
    i have a pannier frame-thing and occy straps on the back of my bike, can fix a big enough box to it no worries.

    i will bring chocolates with me to add to the pile (have no pounds to donate sorry, but i can buy chocolate with my australian credit card!)

    1. Scott bunny
    2. Gina
    3. Fresh
    4. Velocio
    5. pajamas
    6. Charco
    7. miss_socks
    8. bendix
    9. Pink
    10. Brucy
    11. ladystardust
    12. GA2G (may be working, but will contribute in some way; hope to be there though)
    13. Van Damage
    14. Dropout
    15. Markyboy (provisionally)
    16. cara