The below post is definitely true but as with all legal stuff you have to consider whether you want the delay, difficulties and agro in pursuing that route.
Whilst I could do the legal route this might not get me what I want (a properly fitting Mercian bike) as they may just say live with the frame being out (and even if I then reject the frame and get my money back through legal means it doesn't get me the bike I want) and I am therefore trying to work out whether I should just lump a 1cm out toptube and what others have done if they have had similar situations.
Ironically for someone who works in litigation or dispute resolution I really really hate being involved in any conflict with others.
Finally, I suspect the quality control on a bike being handbuilt by Mercian where you kick up a bunch of legal things which just annoy them might suffer... badly.
The below post is definitely true but as with all legal stuff you have to consider whether you want the delay, difficulties and agro in pursuing that route.
Whilst I could do the legal route this might not get me what I want (a properly fitting Mercian bike) as they may just say live with the frame being out (and even if I then reject the frame and get my money back through legal means it doesn't get me the bike I want) and I am therefore trying to work out whether I should just lump a 1cm out toptube and what others have done if they have had similar situations.
Ironically for someone who works in litigation or dispute resolution I really really hate being involved in any conflict with others.
Finally, I suspect the quality control on a bike being handbuilt by Mercian where you kick up a bunch of legal things which just annoy them might suffer... badly.