• #2
I will have a look and see what I have got. I am not sure if it is any good or if I have any stuff. Most of my spare parts went into my little brothers bike. I do have a (pretty heavy) Dirt Dros frame going spare. If I can find it (I will have a look this weekend) it can be yours for £20.
• #3
i would like a free 4x4 like Marty has in Back to the Future.
but that shit aint gonna happen.and the Brockwell park track *does *look fun.
• #4
I remember going round that BMX track way back when...
Might have to dig out the 20" this weekend... -
• #5
Had a go on the Brocky park track a while ago on my MTB, nearly came a cropper on the double jump thing where your meant to clear both humps in one, came up a bit short, a few inches shorter and it could have been nasty.
A friend put me onto this site http://www.radbmx.co.uk/ as I've got myself a BMX to fix up, doubt there will be any freebies but the forum has heaps of stuff for sale...
• #6
cheers everyone so far!
I've just seen the BMX track in Brockwell park and remembered about a rusting old KHE Killer I have in my parent's garage.
I imagine that a lot of parts on it are broken and was wondering if anyone on here had any suitable components laying around that they wouldn't miss if given to a (quite) good cause?