There was one other little thing which seemed inconsistent about the baseless ad hominems which seem to be pajamas' hobby;
what I objected to here was the reduction of a group of champion cyclists to the rating of them in terms of the sexual attraction they held for you as a posturing heterosexual male
doesn't seem to reconcile well with this
have the balls to admit it's you that's got a jones for lycra'd cocks,
I suppose I might be posturing as heterosexual to cover up some closeted homosexual urges, but if I were planning to stay in the closet it would seem needlessly reckless to start a thread which would so openly invite pajamas to accuse me of being queer (of course, he's much too PC to use that term, but the aggressive and accusatory tone suggests a deep seated homophobia).
Well, bisexuals confuse everybody, but especially unthinking, conformist, authoritarian 'progressives', who like everybody to fit into one of the narrow boxes their political masters have told them about. A rather unthinking heterosexist attitude is also betrayed by this
imagine all the girls on the forum posting group pictures of boys on the forum in their lycra or in their civvies but in any case on their bikes and then loudly and gleefully and constantly posting their opinions of which they would fuck first, second, third and fourth. And imagine you were always the one they took the piss out of for being ugly, small-cocked and insignificant.
That's not very equal opportunities, is it? I would hope that some of the boys would also feel qualified to comment, although they would be more likely to dismiss me as slow, bald and fat; persons of both genders who are qualified to comment have been very complimentary about my genital endowment.
Anyway, enough of the piss taking, this post needs some on topic content to leaven the pointless political argumentation, so here's a woman on a bicycle. I hpe none of you is distracted from her undoubted athletic ability by impure thoughts about how good looking she may or may not be, for pajamas sees your impure thoughts and waxes wroth
There was one other little thing which seemed inconsistent about the baseless ad hominems which seem to be pajamas' hobby;
doesn't seem to reconcile well with this
I suppose I might be posturing as heterosexual to cover up some closeted homosexual urges, but if I were planning to stay in the closet it would seem needlessly reckless to start a thread which would so openly invite pajamas to accuse me of being queer (of course, he's much too PC to use that term, but the aggressive and accusatory tone suggests a deep seated homophobia).
Well, bisexuals confuse everybody, but especially unthinking, conformist, authoritarian 'progressives', who like everybody to fit into one of the narrow boxes their political masters have told them about. A rather unthinking heterosexist attitude is also betrayed by this
That's not very equal opportunities, is it? I would hope that some of the boys would also feel qualified to comment, although they would be more likely to dismiss me as slow, bald and fat; persons of both genders who are qualified to comment have been very complimentary about my genital endowment.
Anyway, enough of the piss taking, this post needs some on topic content to leaven the pointless political argumentation, so here's a woman on a bicycle. I hpe none of you is distracted from her undoubted athletic ability by impure thoughts about how good looking she may or may not be, for pajamas sees your impure thoughts and waxes wroth