Isn't the whole point of Flickr being a site where amateur discuss lengthly about which lens is sharper, a Nikon 50mm or a Canon 50mm so they're confident enough to take a photo of their daughter grinning like a toothless hippy, and then go back complaining about the lack of sharpness at the widest aperture and end up thinking they need a high end Carl Zeiss lens just to get it slightly sharper that no human eyes can detect from a small print?
Isn't the whole point of Flickr being a site where amateur discuss lengthly about which lens is sharper, a Nikon 50mm or a Canon 50mm so they're confident enough to take a photo of their daughter grinning like a toothless hippy, and then go back complaining about the lack of sharpness at the widest aperture and end up thinking they need a high end Carl Zeiss lens just to get it slightly sharper that no human eyes can detect from a small print?