• #2
I don't like it, a forum I used to go on had rules stating that every item must have a photo and a fixed price which worked out pretty good. Offers via PM is what gets me most, I understand that people want as much money as possible but it doesn't really seem to fit in the community spirit.
• #3
I love it, the thrill of the chase, the smell of bike in my nostrils, the semi-erection, the feel of Kronenberg in my sweating hands.
• #4
I love it, the thrill of the chase, the smell of bike in my nostrils, the semi-erection, the feel of Kronenberg in my sweating hands.
I think it's past your bedtime Tynan.
• #5
i think it's okay. i think ebay is fine. if everyone knows the rules there are no problems. no reason that should not work here. as a general rule if you sell something on here you probably know you might get more for it on ebay. but less hassle.
• #6
Offers via PM is what gets me most.
When I list something on the forum for sale I ask for PMs because I don't check the forum that often now and it's easier to get a PM saying someone's interested than for me to search for the thread.
EDIT: Although I ask for a price when I list something.
• #7
You can have my opinion.. best price ono..
• #8
I think an easy sale will either ask for 'offers over x' or ask for 'y or best offer by the weekend' or even just ask for 'z' and drop the price when you don't get a sale.
Having written that: It is no bad thing to ask for offers.. it just makes it a bit more difficult for potential buyers.
• #9
offers are shit, everything you list should be fixed price/ono. we need some proper rules now because lots of people are selling stuff these days.
• #10
offers are shit, everything you list should be fixed price/ono. we need some proper rules now because lots of people are selling stuff these days.
Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
• #11
Price drop listings FTW
That shits proper exciting! -
• #12
Best Offer/Silent Auctions are good for high value items.
Sometimes you just don't want the whole world, or your girlfriend, knowing how much you paid.
• #13
[quote=dmczone;609769]Best Offer/Silent Auctions are good for high value items.
Sometimes you just don't want the whole world, or your girlfriend, knowing how much you paid.[/quote]
• #14
I'm not madly keen on the 'blind auction' approach - stick a price on it and if someone is willing to pay they get the item - if not it's up to the seller to negotiate down to a price that they are happy with....
• #15
I can see both sides of the argument, personally I'd like a price on something so I know straight away whether I can afford it or not.
But if someone has something of value, that they don't want to go through the rigmarole of setting a reserve on ebay for, and want a quicker sale for I have no problem with them saying offers, its down to the buyer to do their homework and figure out how much they want to spend on it.Personally I think 90% of the stuff that goes up should be offered with a price on it, as a quick sale is what most people are after.
I get more het up with people not putting wanted: offered: or for sale: in front of their classifieds, label it up right and people will go find it and buy it, otherwise I've got to open up your mislabled, or non labeled thread to find out if your buying/selling/just having a think about getting rid. Wastes prospective buyers time in my opinion.
• #16
it's up to who's selling if you ask me (as long as they actually sell and don't think...OH.. i wanted more than that. I'll change my mind and try ebay..). If the highest bid is low, thats the risk you take... but then you need a time frame i suppose or otherwise you could just not sell and say "well the autcion isn't closed yet.."... oh now it's getting all ruley and complicated...
• #17
we need some proper rules now because lots of people are selling stuff these days.
I'm not a huge fan of hard rules, but maybe some guidelines and a few do's and dont's?
• #18
At the risk of having the G20 protest crew come and smash in windows and set me ablaze - market forces FTW.
a) If you don't like the price or terms/conditions don't fucking buy it. Because it's for sale and you have fast PM reflexes doesn't give you a right of "it's mine!"
b) If no one buys it, then up your game as a seller and be more flexible on either price or offers.Remember: Money talks and bullshit walks.
Oh. And HTFU, natch.
• #19
hmmmm. i'm with elguap on this one.
an auction seems contrary to the spirit of the forum and the almost altruistic way in which most of the transactions on there seem to have taken place. I've not bought or sold much stuff to be fair but i have used it a bit and i like the informal no hard rules friendly approach too.
maybe the forum's too big for that now though? especially for more valuable items. all i can say for sure is that the auction format put me off getting involved in a thread advertising an item that would definitely have been all over if it was fixed price recently.
• #20
At the risk of having the G20 protest crew come and smash in windows and set me ablaze - market forces FTW.
a) If you don't like the price or terms/conditions don't fucking buy it. Because it's for sale and you have fast PM reflexes doesn't give you a right of "it's mine!"
b) If no one buys it, then up your game as a seller and be more flexible on either price or offers.Remember: Money talks and bullshit walks.
Oh. And HTFU, natch.
spot the economist.
• #21
Invisible hand FTW!
• #22
offers are shit, everything you list should be fixed price/ono. we need some proper rules now because lots of people are selling stuff these days.
I'm not a huge fan of hard rules, but maybe some guidelines and a few do's and dont's?
no agree sorry
this has always been a free place, thanks to VB
we, the forum people are smart enough to don't need a set of rules
if you don't like the way a sell is carry out, don't bid
• #23
So, best offers?
• #24
Best offers with a minimum bid.
There you go. Problem solved.
What are peoples opinions here about listing items in the classified thread and asking for "best offers"? Isn't that what ebay is for? It just seems a bit strange using the forum as an auction. Wouldn't it be better to just say what price your looking for and if you need to barter to do it privately? This isn't really a rant, I just wanted to get a consensus, to confirm that I frequently get irritated at completely lame things that shouldn't matter. But seriously, what do y'all think?