At the risk of having the G20 protest crew come and smash in windows and set me ablaze - market forces FTW.
a) If you don't like the price or terms/conditions don't fucking buy it. Because it's for sale and you have fast PM reflexes doesn't give you a right of "it's mine!"
b) If no one buys it, then up your game as a seller and be more flexible on either price or offers.
At the risk of having the G20 protest crew come and smash in windows and set me ablaze - market forces FTW.
a) If you don't like the price or terms/conditions don't fucking buy it. Because it's for sale and you have fast PM reflexes doesn't give you a right of "it's mine!"
b) If no one buys it, then up your game as a seller and be more flexible on either price or offers.
Remember: Money talks and bullshit walks.
Oh. And HTFU, natch.