• I can see both sides of the argument, personally I'd like a price on something so I know straight away whether I can afford it or not.
    But if someone has something of value, that they don't want to go through the rigmarole of setting a reserve on ebay for, and want a quicker sale for I have no problem with them saying offers, its down to the buyer to do their homework and figure out how much they want to spend on it.

    Personally I think 90% of the stuff that goes up should be offered with a price on it, as a quick sale is what most people are after.

    I get more het up with people not putting wanted: offered: or for sale: in front of their classifieds, label it up right and people will go find it and buy it, otherwise I've got to open up your mislabled, or non labeled thread to find out if your buying/selling/just having a think about getting rid. Wastes prospective buyers time in my opinion.
