Its all about controlling the masses. That's what this whole recession and war thing is designed for in the first place. Controlling the little people. Make sure we don't step out of line. Personally, I don't give a fuck about the environment, but I do give a fuck about all the taxes I pay. The poll tax riots. Now they were the bollox. If only we could get rid of council tax and stop being screwed over by these cunts in charge. Politicians claiming expenses for their wanking husbands, shit like that. This country needs a change and fast. Personally I hope it does kick off on one hand. But on the other, I have friends who are working in one of the target buildings and I hope they are ok. But targetting the bankers themselves is pointless. They are doing a job that is there and that someone has to do. It don't bother me if someone earns £10000000 per year if they deserve it. But it does bother me that I can't go out and buy a new track frame tomorrow. And I work fucking hard. But almost all my earnings goes on mortgage, bills and taxes. Cunts
i'm not quite sure what you're saying here...sorry, can you elaborate.
i'm not quite sure what you're saying here...sorry, can you elaborate.