Basically, what Pajamas said, but I'm hoping this'll be my last post on this thread, so want to make a few things clear...
I am heterosexual. I like women. I have a girlfriend, and we've been together for over 7 years now. We are very happy together. Even though I'm not gay, I hope it wouldn't preclude my contribution to this discussion.
I appreciate good looking women - I'm a photographer after all. I love the female form - but what I won't do is look at a woman and reduce her to something I'd like to fuck. I don't look at a woman and mark her out of ten in my head, and when I am talking to a person I find attractive, I don't have that conversation with her tits, or make that 'phwoar' arm gesture at my friends when her back is turned. I have more respect for people than that.
I don't think this macho posturing is "ironic" at all. Like Pajamas has said, it's all just a bit sad. I've been in enough gym changing rooms over the years to know that the people who go on about this shit could never handle a real woman.
I just don't understand this latent need to post pictures of girls on this thread - firstly because this is a cycling forum, but secondly because there's stacks of this shit elsewhere on the internet. You've all demonstrated how proficient you are searching Google - why are you bringing it all on here? Fuck off to 'XXX Porn' or wherever the hell it is you find this stuff.
Telling me to put the thread on ignore doesn't achieve a damned thing - this is a fixed wheel site. The fact that there's a thread on the site that openly celebrates treating women like slabs of meat sickens me. Ignore it or not, I know it's here.
Basically, what Pajamas said, but I'm hoping this'll be my last post on this thread, so want to make a few things clear...
I am heterosexual. I like women. I have a girlfriend, and we've been together for over 7 years now. We are very happy together. Even though I'm not gay, I hope it wouldn't preclude my contribution to this discussion.
I appreciate good looking women - I'm a photographer after all. I love the female form - but what I won't do is look at a woman and reduce her to something I'd like to fuck. I don't look at a woman and mark her out of ten in my head, and when I am talking to a person I find attractive, I don't have that conversation with her tits, or make that 'phwoar' arm gesture at my friends when her back is turned. I have more respect for people than that.
I don't think this macho posturing is "ironic" at all. Like Pajamas has said, it's all just a bit sad. I've been in enough gym changing rooms over the years to know that the people who go on about this shit could never handle a real woman.
I just don't understand this latent need to post pictures of girls on this thread - firstly because this is a cycling forum, but secondly because there's stacks of this shit elsewhere on the internet. You've all demonstrated how proficient you are searching Google - why are you bringing it all on here? Fuck off to 'XXX Porn' or wherever the hell it is you find this stuff.
Telling me to put the thread on ignore doesn't achieve a damned thing - this is a fixed wheel site. The fact that there's a thread on the site that openly celebrates treating women like slabs of meat sickens me. Ignore it or not, I know it's here.
And yes - I do find farts funny.