that's great, thought the problem is that when you lock your bike on a sheffield stand, chance are other cyclist could easily touch it and set the alarm off when they lock/unlock their bicycle next to the alarmed one.
according to the bay page;
"Using a U-Lock? You still need our alarm - a U-Lock can be opened in 10 seconds using a Bic biro."
nice sales tactic considering that only certain Kryponite one is affected!
that's great, thought the problem is that when you lock your bike on a sheffield stand, chance are other cyclist could easily touch it and set the alarm off when they lock/unlock their bicycle next to the alarmed one.
according to the bay page;
"Using a U-Lock? You still need our alarm - a U-Lock can be opened in 10 seconds using a Bic biro."
nice sales tactic considering that only certain Kryponite one is affected!