• #77
search for the njs pony thread !
that'll kill ya ! -
• #78
OK, just going to look for it now :D sounds funny
• #79
Can't find it :( any chance you could send a link? is the actual topic called NJS pony cause the search didnt turn anything up, il go have a search looking in post now
• #80
ah found it :D reading it now - http://www.londonfgss.com/thread15453.html
• #81
Jamaica Road is where she travel I think. Defiantly seen her on Creek street Depford heading in both directions and seen her Trafalgar road heading out of Greenwich.
Yep - definately her around those parts - not really a scream more a loud growling "getoutoftheway!"
• #82
This thread has made me literally cry with laughter...
As for the guy with the american football helmet and tiny shorts... he works in my company, I'll get a picture of him and his bike, it's a normal sized mountain bike, but I can see how it would look like a brompton with him on it!
Friendly enough... I'd defo rather fight him than the banshee...
• #83
^ Is he a bit "special"
• #84
^ Is he a bit "special"
He probably looks as "special" to us as we (cyclists) look extra special to "normal" people. :)
• #85
I was descending a hill by my parents (oop north) last year when I saw a cyclist crouched at the side of the road changing a puncture. I slowed down to ask if they were ok and the crouched figure looked up at me revealing that they we wearing a full-face wartime gas mask.
They seemed dressed normally other than that and they were on a pretty standard geared steel road bike. My only thought was that they were attempting some weird training for lung capacity.
why oh why oh why.
• #86
Something like this was it?
And oop north too...
• #87
brilliant film.
• #88
ah found it :D reading it now - http://www.londonfgss.com/thread15453.html
I have just completely failed to explain to my girlfriend why this thread is hilarious.
• #89
oh my god this thread is gold. I hope to see her one day.
• #90
brilliant film.
not many, any thing with paddy in is great.
• #91
I heard she is a power ranger.
• #92
there is some big hairy arsed fncker i have the unfortunate journey in and out with some days.
he must be 18 stone arms like a russian shot-putter, legs like Hoy, on a hybrid........and insists on wearing seethrough leggings.
• #93
there is some big hairy arsed fncker i have the unfortunate journey in and out with some days.
he must be 18 stone arms like a russian shot-putter, legs like Hoy, on a hybrid........and insists on wearing seethrough leggings.
• #94
I have to date sadly failed to capture evidence of The Banshee, but since the challenge was laid down my general heightened level of awareness (well, one step up from dozing), acutely peeled eye and easily accessible camera phone have lent me something of a pre-disposition to capitalise upon interesting encounters by recording them for posterity. This morning heralded the first such occasion - I bring you AFL Dude.
I captured these images despite considerable physical risk - both in the case that he had glanced over his shoulder seen me mid-snap - and because I was traversing the southern Elephant and Castle roundabout one-handed at the time transfixed upon a one-inch square phone screen. Nonetheless, I did my duty in the name of education and perhaps mild amusement for the forum.
All that was foretold is true. Observe his imposing frame, tricking the distant observer into supposing he is riding a childs bicycle for a wheeze. The reality is that his towering hulk makes an adult sized bike look hopelessly inadequate. See his ursine shoulders, striking fear into telephone directories lest he tear them asunder in a display of strength. Lastly look at his helmet. For this phenomenon there are no words. A true God of the road.
I fear The Banshee will prove to be considerably wilier quarry. Visually she is indistinguishable from a thousand commuters. She reveals herself upon issue of her cry - and despite its sometimes protracted nature, entraining short instructive sentences, it is by its nature a fleeting occurrence. Rather like someone operating a loudhailer or perhaps a compressed air horn from the window of a passing car as you stand at a pelican crossing. Startling, brief, leaving the dumbstruck victim questioning the assailant's identity and motive.
Still, I urge you please to remain vigilant. Be prepared, like a coiled spring. Capture The Banshee's cry!
• #95
:D ....brilliant!
• #96
Amazing! I love his shorts too. I bet he wears rugby socks in the winter.
• #98
Good effort or398 wanted to see the fabled legend that is AFL Dude.
Jim'll fix it of LFGSS.
• #99
Good work Olly, what time was that? I can't believe I've never seen him as its on my route.
He looks like a commuting stormtrooper from behind (his blaster is on his rack) -
• #100
thats dead funy
this thread is immense! i havent laughed so much for ages, submitted to stumbleupon :D