I thought cm was better than last time but I was also more drunk. It was definitely a better route as well which meant to could keep some sort of reasonable pace at times. Highlights were a dude on a zebra bike, head and everything. Dad slotting in some beers while he had his son strapped on at the back and, lastly, speaking to the dude with the 'free tibet' flag at BL bagels.
Lowpoints - too many dudes trying to push their right on ideas, have a guess why I can't make yr G20 CM on wednesday at 9am bro. That's right cos I've got a job
I thought cm was better than last time but I was also more drunk. It was definitely a better route as well which meant to could keep some sort of reasonable pace at times. Highlights were a dude on a zebra bike, head and everything. Dad slotting in some beers while he had his son strapped on at the back and, lastly, speaking to the dude with the 'free tibet' flag at BL bagels.
Lowpoints - too many dudes trying to push their right on ideas, have a guess why I can't make yr G20 CM on wednesday at 9am bro. That's right cos I've got a job