i've only come across two commuters this year who've beaten me in a race, one was a very hot girl on a condor pista, and to be fair it was a fucking long race, I was in the lead for most of it, and I got so knackered by the end I couldn't be arsed and let her pass me lol, we raced from like wanstead to victoria park. And the other was some guy going across tower bridge through gridlock traffic, he just outpaced me the bastard, I hammered it to keep up with him, but he was just too fast and I was about 10m behind the whole way.
Other than that I often get commuters who try to give it some, but I like to think of the whole road/pavement/and traffic islands as my playground, so on occasion I do pull off some naughty traffic/pedestrian filtering moves which very few people following me attempt to imitate :p.
My favourite is riding across london bridge towards bishopsgate, bunnyhopping onto the traffic island at the end at speed, and then bombing through the traffic up to the front and getting a nice head start on all the fuckers behind me.
i've only come across two commuters this year who've beaten me in a race, one was a very hot girl on a condor pista, and to be fair it was a fucking long race, I was in the lead for most of it, and I got so knackered by the end I couldn't be arsed and let her pass me lol, we raced from like wanstead to victoria park. And the other was some guy going across tower bridge through gridlock traffic, he just outpaced me the bastard, I hammered it to keep up with him, but he was just too fast and I was about 10m behind the whole way.
Other than that I often get commuters who try to give it some, but I like to think of the whole road/pavement/and traffic islands as my playground, so on occasion I do pull off some naughty traffic/pedestrian filtering moves which very few people following me attempt to imitate :p.
My favourite is riding across london bridge towards bishopsgate, bunnyhopping onto the traffic island at the end at speed, and then bombing through the traffic up to the front and getting a nice head start on all the fuckers behind me.