Just picked up a frame which I've had sprayed. A very good job. However, somewhere in the communication process I didn't mention that I wanted the braze-ons (I think that's the term) where downtube levers would go to be sprayed too. This frame won't need or use them.
Obviously in their present state they are vulnerable to the elements. Can I get caps or something to go over them, or should I ask the sprayers to spray them for me?
Just picked up a frame which I've had sprayed. A very good job. However, somewhere in the communication process I didn't mention that I wanted the braze-ons (I think that's the term) where downtube levers would go to be sprayed too. This frame won't need or use them.
Obviously in their present state they are vulnerable to the elements. Can I get caps or something to go over them, or should I ask the sprayers to spray them for me?