Firstly, glad you're not hurt, secondly: unless someone actually intended to knock me off my bike, I'd never swear at them like that, no matter how close the call.* It's pointless. I'm pretty liberal with cunny word, but we all make mistakes and there are better ways of telling someone that they almost killed or hurt you than screaming like a maniac because you think you have the right to. Chances are, the driver would be more cautious after a near miss like yours.
Yes, you have the right to be angry, but I don't think it's helpful for cyclists more generally when you scream cunt. We're always at risk of horrible accidents, so if it's a near miss, deal with it in a way that the driver goes away shaken, but less likely to make that same mistake again or with a hatred for potty mouthed cyclists.
Likewise, I understand this nodder business, but aren't we just straying into snobbery now? We're all cyclists, and clearly some of us are more experienced and into bikes than others - but 90% of the people on this forum want to see cycling increase across London (i'm judging) - but when it does, it's 'nodder twat this' and 'nodder sploink that.'
Look; my mum, by definition, is a 'nodder', but it's taken so much to get her on to a bike and make her feel confident that I don't like using the term in anything but a jovial way. We all deal with the same risks and problems as cyclists, so why insist on setting up so many different tribes? It's bad enough as it is.
Lambaste away...
*if someone intentionally tried to knock me off my bike, or if they were stoned or drunk I'd kick the shit out of them/their car and yes, call them a cunt until my eyes exploded.