It should be hott pink my little pony, prancing in that position... and perhaps giving the viewer the eye.
Oh, and I said earlier that it to the passer-by it should be half-convincing. That if they didn't know they'd think we were serious. So putting a few sponsor logo's on there might be a good idea. Some drinks thing, Smirnoff seems good for that... and clearly we should get a bike shop on there... maybe Tour de Ville?
Just need to get that pony closer...
This is the Ferrari logo:
It should be hott pink my little pony, prancing in that position... and perhaps giving the viewer the eye.
Oh, and I said earlier that it to the passer-by it should be half-convincing. That if they didn't know they'd think we were serious. So putting a few sponsor logo's on there might be a good idea. Some drinks thing, Smirnoff seems good for that... and clearly we should get a bike shop on there... maybe Tour de Ville?