I am entered for next Sunday's **Hillingdon Triathletes Spring Sprint Duathlon. **
It's nice and short, with a 2.5 mile run, 12 mile bike, and 1 mile run, with a reasonably friendly start time of 9.15am. I did one of these last year, and got very confused about how many laps I had done - would recommend a computer to show distance covered.
I am entered for next Sunday's **Hillingdon Triathletes Spring Sprint Duathlon. **
It's nice and short, with a 2.5 mile run, 12 mile bike, and 1 mile run, with a reasonably friendly start time of 9.15am. I did one of these last year, and got very confused about how many laps I had done - would recommend a computer to show distance covered.
The entry form is here https://www.clubsonline.com.au/eventsregform/index.cfm?fuseaction=display_event_detail&EventID=2159&orgid=3564