On a positive note, thanks to the fellow fixed rider that let me pass as I paused to let him pass in traffic going in opposite directions, it was a kinda funny "ok you go, no you go first mate, no you" both of us trying to be polite lol, didn't catch much of a description but noticed a karmasutra alley cat card in your rear wheel, nice to encounter good manners during my morning ride in :).
Was this weaving through the Liverpool St gridlock this morning around 9? If so that was me.
Also some guy I overtook just after broadway market this morning, on a cream something. I could hear you echoing my objects to the motorcycle courier who decided it would be funny to hug the right-side of the one way bit off hackney road, forcing everyong to go around him on the wrong side. Technically he wasn't in the wrong, but still, WAC.
Was this weaving through the Liverpool St gridlock this morning around 9? If so that was me.
Also some guy I overtook just after broadway market this morning, on a cream something. I could hear you echoing my objects to the motorcycle courier who decided it would be funny to hug the right-side of the one way bit off hackney road, forcing everyong to go around him on the wrong side. Technically he wasn't in the wrong, but still, WAC.