Bit scared by finding out where this happened, as it's a junction I often use.
Do we know if any junctions are worse than others or when there are road works or building work involving these trucks, that work is done to warn of the danger or reduce the risk.
I am thinking here of East London in general in the run up to the Olympics and of the Dalsston Lane, Kingsland Rd, Balls Pond Road junction at present.
Bit scared by finding out where this happened, as it's a junction I often use.
Do we know if any junctions are worse than others or when there are road works or building work involving these trucks, that work is done to warn of the danger or reduce the risk.
I am thinking here of East London in general in the run up to the Olympics and of the Dalsston Lane, Kingsland Rd, Balls Pond Road junction at present.