mark said that they've just build a football pitch with nets at west jesmond in this courtyard, i think the surface is sort of rubber or somthing like you get in playgrounds. We should definatly check this out, i dont think it gets any where near as busy as gosforth park;
mark said that they've just build a football pitch with nets at west jesmond in this courtyard, i think the surface is sort of rubber or somthing like you get in playgrounds. We should definatly check this out, i dont think it gets any where near as busy as gosforth park;,-1.502037&sspn=0.099993,0.289593&ie=UTF8&ll=54.990915,-1.607032&spn=0.000351,0.002262&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=54.990915,-1.607032&panoid=_lWDKavdUrzVuU1gvDwjSA&cbp=11,297.64842011118293,,0,4.999999999999997