this morning, mini cab indicating right, but pulls in to park on the left... comes to a pretty much stop, then swings fully round to the right, he stopped as i was next to his window, shouting in his face from about 30cm's away ''YOUR INDICATING RIGHT BUT TURNING LEFT AND YOUR ON YOUR PHONE, YOU FUCKING PRICK"
Thats a pretty funny image you've given me, there.
Not a close call but earlier today someone pulled alongside me, beeped a lot, shouted a lot (didn't hear what, windows were closed. Who has their windows closed on a day like this?), gesticulated a lot, and drove off. The only thing I can think of that I was doing wrong was having the nerve to be on the road!
Thats a pretty funny image you've given me, there.
Not a close call but earlier today someone pulled alongside me, beeped a lot, shouted a lot (didn't hear what, windows were closed. Who has their windows closed on a day like this?), gesticulated a lot, and drove off. The only thing I can think of that I was doing wrong was having the nerve to be on the road!