Yeh, don't mix your drinks. For me it's easy, as I don't really like wine, cocktails, or spirits, just beer. I even tend to drink only one kind of beer in one evening. Boring? Yes, but it's what I like, and I want to enjoy.
The beauty of being fucked in the head is that even if I didn't like the above (I hate wine) I'd still drink them if trashed. ie. Isle of Wight festival.. drinking wine from a bowl in the early hours whilst still complaining about how much I hate wine. That's kwality!
The beauty of being fucked in the head is that even if I didn't like the above (I hate wine) I'd still drink them if trashed. ie. Isle of Wight festival.. drinking wine from a bowl in the early hours whilst still complaining about how much I hate wine. That's kwality!