So, I got the frame back from Armourtex yesterday. Pretty funny, b/c they painted it the wrong colour! I had requested a creme-ish colour (like a custard creme or whatever), but when I got there, they had gotten my bike mixed up with someone else's and swapped the colours. This is especially funny because I am 6'6" and have a 61cm frame. The other bike was tiny. So anyway, I kept the colour they painted mine with because it wasn't bad at all. Kind of a blue-green (not unlike the 'celeste' colour that you see on Bianchis). They knocked £9 off the price, so it only cost me £55 altogether. Not bad. Especially since I had started second-guessing my initial colour choice before going to pick up the frame.
So, I got the frame back from Armourtex yesterday. Pretty funny, b/c they painted it the wrong colour! I had requested a creme-ish colour (like a custard creme or whatever), but when I got there, they had gotten my bike mixed up with someone else's and swapped the colours. This is especially funny because I am 6'6" and have a 61cm frame. The other bike was tiny. So anyway, I kept the colour they painted mine with because it wasn't bad at all. Kind of a blue-green (not unlike the 'celeste' colour that you see on Bianchis). They knocked £9 off the price, so it only cost me £55 altogether. Not bad. Especially since I had started second-guessing my initial colour choice before going to pick up the frame.