• #2
Do you mind if I ask what type of bottom bracket you have that could make this worth the effort and expense over a replacement?
• #3
Fair point, probably cheaper to replace it!
• #4
it's not the BB that's the problem it's the shell and therefore my whole lovely 531 frame
• #5
There are BB's out there designed for threadless shells (either by design or accident). I'm sorry not to be able to give you any info but I was reading about this BB the other day. It may be your way out of it.
• #6
thanks skully - I've read lots of bad reviews on threadless bbs on this site - probably ok for normal bikes but the extra pressure when riding fixed
other reports in the general forums about it costing £40 for a bore out, shim and rethread in London - going to phone around later in the week but even the rethread is a job that I would like some testimonials about rather than just go to a shop on spec no matter how much I like them or general reputation
• #7
actually after much humming and hawing I'm going to have a go with one of these http://cgi.ebay.ie/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370173581418 - read some more recent reviews on here and not as damning as the older ones. I suppose some people just won't be happy unless they have Phil or other high end gear on their bikes
• #8
I really can't understand what's going on in this thread at all. Peace
• #9
I really can't understand what's going on in this thread at all. Peace
The bottom bracket shell is the part of your frame the bottom bracket screws into
old steel frames often have stripped damaged threads on the inside of the shell which can be recut. In my case the thread on the drive side is worn out so the thread can't be recut as the opening in the shell is too big for the bottom bracket.
The options are for a the opening to be shrunk by adding in metal somehow and then new threads cut in the new metal - best option but pricey - or to have a threadless bottom bracket like the one linked. This is a less secure option but quicker and cheaper and it may work.
• #10
I know. I don't understand this thread, the queries and replies, the whole point basically.
Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the BB you linked to, other than its 119mm, and cheap. But this is the price we pay for wanting old goods.
Also, you're using 531 so you could get any decent welder to take the existing BB shell out and replace it with any other (or 531) steel shell.You must really love that bike!
Does anyone know anywhere in Dublin that will rethread a bottom bracket shell. The operation will probably involve boring out the shell and threading on an insert.
probably beyond the average LBS and will try the phone rounds but would be glad of hearing of anyone who knows a shop that they would trust to do it.
ta muchly