Don't gimmi that stuff like: "if we just all do this an that, the world is changeing." the wolrd to change is nothing to do with political correct shopping or jizzing arround in the accumulation sphere of capitalism. I hate this ach so nice "to call attention" style.
What is this crap? A naked Sportsman on a billboard is not the same thing like a woman! :eek: Oh really can separate sexes? Great! But your genderbender talk doesn't include gay or lesbian? You just running the hetero common anti sexism shit. Nothing substantially from here. I had this chicknchat for years in the "left" community here in Berlin. They changed nothing and by the time they realised that, they start dign everyone around them no matter is he a sexist or not (and they did before guess for training) It's sort of just fucking don't look at this woman, don't say she is sexy, don't say tits if you in puplic, don't piss in the bushes with your dick outside.Look at this poor woman with make up and skirt...etc.pp.
"And, call me an idealist, but wouldn't it be nice if people noticed these regrettable currents in society, like sexism, and tried to curb them by refusing to go along with it, and refusing to provide yet another tiny nodule of influence that will end up embedding itself in people's subconscious?"*
Yeah right and start just right here. The place where sexists can live there dream by dominating woman and tread them like shit. Is it that what you imply? The whole thing you made up here is a bored leftwingpsydoactrivismreflex. But thanks I never heard the word's society sexism man & woman before.
is there a point in here somewhere?