man, i've been there and spoken to people first hand. not just stories from mates of mates. thats chinese whispers.
I'm a cock?
You just go on a massive rant at me and you call me a cock?
Calm the fuck down.
I've been told some worrying stories by people in the US who spend ALOT of time with him. Hearing them, from people I respect makes me not keen on having a geekhouse despite my inital impression (from this forum and you and eyebrows) that they are great. I've mentioned what those worrying stories are. And these are from people who have known Marty for alot longer then two years. I'm not going on a crusade against him or the bikes. If you like yours then thats great. I won't be buying one though.
man, i've been there and spoken to people first hand. not just stories from mates of mates. thats chinese whispers.