If anyone has a 120mm hub lying around that needs a good home, I'd love to take care of it. I can even pay actual money in exchange. I'm building my first fixie, and the finished product will look properly grotty, so the cheaper the better. If it's single sided, so much the better.
A new on-one double fixed is my £30 back-up, but I thought I'd try my luck here first.
If anyone has a 120mm hub lying around that needs a good home, I'd love to take care of it. I can even pay actual money in exchange. I'm building my first fixie, and the finished product will look properly grotty, so the cheaper the better. If it's single sided, so much the better.
A new on-one double fixed is my £30 back-up, but I thought I'd try my luck here first.
Any help gratefully received.