When I was a receptionist in EC1 the couriers where a highlight of my day. There always seemed to be an element of fun to them, even on the busiest and wettest days. Had I been into cycling then, I probably would have joined the ranks.
When it comes to situations like Will's, it rarely pays to try and reason with the customer for more than a moment or two. Instead of trying to set them straight on how the world doesn't revolve around them, start agreeing with them (if you can be bothered to be polite and not just walk out the door). If they get angry that something is late, you get angry that someone else's incompetence has made you miss an important professional deadline. The vast majority of people won't clock the u-turn and will just go with the transference of blame (preferably to someone irrelevant, untraceable or most preferably fictional). Never ever apologise, especially not for your own actions, the person you're dealing with may get the impression that you're not the best employee a company could ever wish for and that simply won't do.
When I was a receptionist in EC1 the couriers where a highlight of my day. There always seemed to be an element of fun to them, even on the busiest and wettest days. Had I been into cycling then, I probably would have joined the ranks.
When it comes to situations like Will's, it rarely pays to try and reason with the customer for more than a moment or two. Instead of trying to set them straight on how the world doesn't revolve around them, start agreeing with them (if you can be bothered to be polite and not just walk out the door). If they get angry that something is late, you get angry that someone else's incompetence has made you miss an important professional deadline. The vast majority of people won't clock the u-turn and will just go with the transference of blame (preferably to someone irrelevant, untraceable or most preferably fictional). Never ever apologise, especially not for your own actions, the person you're dealing with may get the impression that you're not the best employee a company could ever wish for and that simply won't do.