• #2752
Not sure about the flower arrangements (geddit?). Keen to meet before, Flask, Archway, Holloway rd, wherever. Just let us know the time and place.
• #2753
What about meeting at Archway. And is anyone bringing flowers? I think it's the order of the day to wear one in a button hole etc. but no idea waht to get!
Yeah dude arch way me thinks that can be arranged, anybody agree on times?
• #2754
The ride starts at 12:30. We shud aim to get there 12:00-12:15 ish. Can anyone get me a flower? I'm utterly broke (I'm bringing a packed lunch and everything!)
Meet at Archway 12:00, it's a 5 minute roll from there, but be good to turn up en masse.
• #2755
we talking about archway tube station? and fuck I forgot about the flowers..again.
• #2756
Outside Archway tube @ 12:00 with flowers for button holes. I've got some saftey pins in my bag.
• #2757
Outside Archway tube @ 12:00 with flowers for button holes. I've got some saftey pins in my bag.
theres a flower stall at archway me thinks so i will get a flower for you when we get there dude
• #2758
i will swing past sainsburies on route, just in case.
• #2759
theres a flower stall at archway me thinks so i will get a flower for you when we get there dude
aw leigh you are so sweet.
• #2760
Alright, Archway tube at 12:00. Saw Nick in BLB this arvo, says he's coming too. See you tomorrow guys
• #2761
beer beer beer beer
• #2762
Easy tiger.
• #2763
that was my not so subtle attempt at bumping this topic. up tomorrow night?
• #2764
i may be coming but not till 10ish, i have a dental seminar to attend in oxford but may be able to make it for a quick shifty :)
• #2765
Swains Lane for the walk?
• #2766
Unfortunately can't manage a reappearance at drinks for a few weeks due to work/football/holiday. Thought I'd drop in to let you know that having done Swain's Lane on the roadie tonight, it's in the process of being resurfaced (or they're doing summat to the speed humps at least*) and is slightly more challenging/annoying than usual.
There's a good chance that most of the effort trying to go uphill will just send loose stones flying back towards those unfortunate enough to be behind you. Having said that, there's probably never been better motivation to get in front before the cemetary gates.
*with any luck they're removing them. What's the point having speed humps on a steep bastard hill when the only direction you're allowed to drive it is up?
• #2767
What's the point having speed humps on a steep bastard hill when the only direction you're allowed to drive it is up?
I have always wondered about that, but then you have to realise, this is Highate and most people who live round there drive enough horse power to fly up that hill at 100mph.
Thanks for the HU though about Swains Lane.
I can't make it tonight cos you all hate me.
Nah, I have to watch the mighty Liverpool knock Madrid out of Europe -
• #2768
^^^ Yeah they all drive Lambo's up there ;-)
• #2769
Good luck Liverpool. I will bo at the pub for about 7.30ish. With an epic walk up chomley park. See you cunts later.
• #2770
I'll prolly be there at some point, in Walkenger mode today as well due to lack of front wheel.
• #2771
I hope that the resurfacing/Liverpool losing isn't scaring people away from North's tonight. It has only taking me a month to recover, and I intend to be there tonight.
If I'm at Trafalgar sq on my own at 1900 I know how to get there.
• #2772
I'll prolly be there at some point, in Walkenger mode today as well due to lack of front wheel.
Why no front wheel? I have you could use!
• #2773
Its being trued and I don't have a spare, getting it back today. Thanks for the offer though. :)
• #2774
Ha, I dont have a back wheel at the moment. Sold doth wheels to Sarah for her new bike.
• #2775
Ha, I dont have a back wheel at the moment. Sold doth wheels to Sarah for her new bike.
Doth wheels? What the hell are doth wheels some kind of new stealth prototype? Or is it a spelling mistake due to the bad hand?
What about meeting at Archway. And is anyone bringing flowers? I think it's the order of the day to wear one in a button hole etc. but no idea waht to get!