also the hand movement required to operate suicide levers is less effective. try this:
stretch your hands out in front of you palms down. - - and scrunch your fingers
now do it with your plams facing each other ||. which way can u exert a greater (and faster) force.
Oh and if u do find a way to remove them, please post on here cos I have the same problem. i only ever use them when I need just a little more braking power while indicating than I can safely provide with my feet.
also the hand movement required to operate suicide levers is less effective. try this:
stretch your hands out in front of you palms down. - - and scrunch your fingers
now do it with your plams facing each other ||. which way can u exert a greater (and faster) force.
Oh and if u do find a way to remove them, please post on here cos I have the same problem. i only ever use them when I need just a little more braking power while indicating than I can safely provide with my feet.