The Eilidh Memorial Ride was very emotional, but also very uplifting, the forum coming together and being as inclusive as it always has been. My belief is that now the weather is turning, there will be more rides, more gatherings, more talking, and getting to know old faces better and meet new faces, meaning consequently less time to sit on computers and bitch/whine/moan/generally act like snotty nosed brats, in an anonymous fashion.
Think before you type, and if in doubt, don't type it all, get out on your bike and ride, by yourself, with friends, family and forum members, but just ride and all the bullshit and bickering will disappear...
The Eilidh Memorial Ride was very emotional, but also very uplifting, the forum coming together and being as inclusive as it always has been. My belief is that now the weather is turning, there will be more rides, more gatherings, more talking, and getting to know old faces better and meet new faces, meaning consequently less time to sit on computers and bitch/whine/moan/generally act like snotty nosed brats, in an anonymous fashion.
Think before you type, and if in doubt, don't type it all, get out on your bike and ride, by yourself, with friends, family and forum members, but just ride and all the bullshit and bickering will disappear...